Sunday, June 04, 2023

With four runways, Delhi Airport to soon become the world’s largest airport

The Indian aviation industry is growing at a rapid pace and India has built 74 small and big airports in the past 9 years. Among these, the Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGIA) in Delhi has managed to grab headlines, with its capacity rising day by day.

Ministry of Civil Aviation Jyotiraditya Scindia has stated that the IGIA can soon become the world's largest airport and, with the ongoing massive expansion of the airport, it will definitely become one of the world’s biggest, even surpassing the Atlanta airport in terms of passenger capacity wise.

The Minister added that at present, the Delhi airport caters to 70 million passengers, which will likely go till 109 million by the end of this year. It is the only Indian airport with three runways, and the fourth one will likely become operational in September.

This will also make it the only airport in India with four runways. There are three terminal buildings in the airport, and the passenger capacity will likely surpass 100 million by the end of 2023.

04/06/2023 Times Travel

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