Friday, July 28, 2023

Chennai airport to modify terminals to add domestic flights

Chennai: The city is likely to get more domestic flights during peak hours in a few months as an additional departure and arrival terminal will be ready at the Chennai airport.

Airports Authority of India (AAI) will soon start work to modify the old international departure terminal (T4) that was vacated after flights were shifted to the new terminal and an unused arrival terminal on the ground floor for domestic flights in the first week of this month. When the work is completed, the airport will have two domestic terminals, one on each side of the integrated international terminal. The terminals will be interlinked for transit passengers.

The ground floor of the old terminal was lying vacant since 2013. The work to change and add facilities to handle domestic passengers will begin soon after a security inspection. A contractor will be hired for changing signage and facilities, an official said.

"Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS) will inspect the building in a few days. After they clear the building, the authority will start work to remove or rearrange facilities on the first floor which was once an international terminal. We have started installing baggage conveyors on the ground floor arrival terminal," said an official.

28/07/2023 Times of India

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