Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Go First operates handling flight after DGCA’s nod to resume operations

Delhi: Soon after the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) allowed Go First to resume its operations, the airline on Tuesday started its ‘handling’ flight from Mumbai.

Handling flights are operated by airlines when aircraft remain grounded for a long.

As per DGCA, airlines are mandated to carry out handling flights to ensure that the aircraft are operation ready.

On Friday, DGCA conditionally allowed the grounded airline Go First to resume its operations.

Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) had said Go First may resume scheduled flight operations on the availability of interim funding and approval of flight schedule by the regulator.

The regulator has allowed the operation of 15 aircraft and 114 daily flights.

Further, DGCA has directed the airline to ensure compliance with all the “applicable regulatory requirements, ensure the continued airworthiness of the aircraft engaged in operations and subjecting every aircraft to a satisfactory handling flight prior to deployment for flight operations.”

DGCA said the sale of tickets can be only commenced after the approval of the flight schedule by the regulator.

26/07/2023 ANI/

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