Saturday, August 12, 2023

Customs seize more than 1kg gold from two passengers at Kolkata airport

The customs department seized more than 1kg gold from two passengers at the Kolkata International Airport, officials said on Saturday.

Officials of the Air Intelligence Branch of the customs department on Friday night detained a woman passenger who was moving suspiciously after her return from Bangkok. During interrogation the woman said that gold was hidden in her anus, they said.

Around 449g of gold was recovered from her. The market value of the seized gold is more than Rs 26 lakh, the officials said.

The customs officials also seized 542g of gold from another passenger on Friday night. The passenger from Abu Dhabi had hidden the gold in his pant pockets. The market value of the seized gold is more than Rs 29 lakh, they added.

12/08/2023 PTI/Telegraph

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