Monday, August 21, 2023

Indian passenger from Sharjah detained with gold at Chattogram airport

Customs detectives have detained an Indian national and seized 739 gm of gold in his possession at Chattogram’s Shah Amanat International Airport.

Two gold-plated bracelets, two chains and two rings were recovered from him, said Abdul Matin Talukder, assistant director at the Customs Intelligence & Investigation Directorate.

The detained passenger, Tushar Nagindash, arrived from UAE’s Sharjah on a Biman Bangladesh Airlines flight on Monday.

A gold-coated vest was also found in his bag and 300 gm of gold was obtained by melting it, Matin said.

The gold haul is estimated to be worth over Tk 5.9 million, he added.

Six gold bars were also found on an Air Arabia flight from Sharjah.

21/08/2023 BDNews24

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