Monday, October 14, 2013

Pune Airport: Where autos and cabs 'loot' passengers

Pune: Though a prepaid autorickshaw booth has been set up at Lohegaon airport, passengers are getting fleeced by autorickshaw drivers and cabbies due to the apathy of the authorities.
Passengers alighting at Lohegaon airport regularly complain of getting fleeced by autorickshaw and cab drivers. What’s worse is that at most times they have no clue of where to lodge a complaint.
Though there is a prepaid autorickshaw booth, the apathy of authorities towards implementing fare structure allows rickshaw and Cool Cab drivers charge exorbitant amounts.
On an average more than 250 passengers take autorickshaws at the prepaid autorickshaw booth and over 170 take Cool Cab service from Lohegaon airport per day. Though the regional transport office (RTO), Pune and the Pune city traffic police claim to have joined hands so that passengers do not get cheated, the latter say the problem persists. The most common complaint is that after leaving the prepaid stand, autorickshaw drivers refuse to let passengers alight unless they pay extra.
14/10/13 Anuj Ismail/Daily News & Analysis
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