Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Dabolim authorities unaware of high alert on all airports following Brussels attacks

Vasco: With the city of Brussels under terror attack and Belgium on high alert all international airports of India were placed on high alerts on Tuesday afternoon. However, agencies involved in manning security at the Dabolim International Airport had no clue of the alert issued and the situation at the airport was like any other normal day.
Soon after the high alert was issued, Team Herald rushed to the Dabolim International airport to physically check if the ground zero situation during such alert had changed or not.
It was about 3 pm when the Team Herald reached at the entrance of the airport. As usual there was no security personnel present at the main entrance and the vehicles were entering into the airport like any other day.
The team first met one of the staff working for parking contractor who was issuing time restriction slips to the vehicles entering the airport. When Herald reporter questioned him on the all India alert issued at the international airports and whether he noticed if the security has been intensified he replied in negative. His reply was, “No idea sir, everything is as usual like daily routine, anything happened or what?”
23/03/16 Herald
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