Sunday, March 06, 2016

UT Admn for converting city airport into convention centre

The city’s need for a world-class convention centre is expected to be fulfilled soon. The Chandigarh Administration has proposed to convert the old city airport building (domestic airport) into a convention centre.
Sources said during a meeting recently, the Administration discussed the idea with the Airport Authority of India (AAI).
Vijay Kumar Dev, Adviser to the UT Administrator, said the city was developing fast and becoming a major destination for the corporate sector, including the IT and Tourism industries, which created a need for a world-class convention centre.
He said there was a trend across the world to have a convention centre near the international airport. “That is why we have mooted the proposal for the world-class convention centre by converting the existing domestic airport building,” Dev said.
Sources said the location of the proposed centre was perfect for its proximity to the international airport.
“The Administration would have needed a huge sum and land in case it wanted to construct a new convention centre in the city. Moreover, the project would have taken years,” said an official in the UT Administration.
05/03/16 Ramkrishnan Upadhyay/The Tribune
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