Saturday, March 12, 2016

Visitors' galleries at Trichy airport to remain closed

Trichy: The galleries at the Trichy International Airport will remain closed and people accompanying passengers will not be allowed inside due following intelligence reports on threat from terrorists. Ever since the infiltration of terrorists along the Gujarat coast, several places of importance in the city have been put under high alert.
The new security system as per the guidelines includes a random check of passengers by the airline staff itself on the aerobridge or ladder in case of any suspicious activity. Airport authorities in Trichy have already communicated the new security system to private airlines. This check will be apart from the routine security check a passenger undergoes at the terminal.
Passengers are now undergoing an additional security check-Secondary Ladder Point Check (SLPSC), just before entering or leaving the aircraft. The Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS) recently issued guidelines to all airlines to comply with the extra layer of security after the recent threat.
12/03/16 Times of India
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