Saturday, August 13, 2016

Airport action council slams collector's statement

Thiruvananthapuram: A day after district collector Biju Prabhakar said that land mafia is behind the opposition to acquiring land for the development of airport at Chackai, the Vallakkadavu-Vayyamoola joint action council and airport action council dared the collector to prove his statement. The action council members told a news conference on Friday that they did not expect such comments from the collector.

The action councils have decided to organize a protest meeting at Sahrudaya ground, Vallakkadavu, at 4pm on Sunday against the proposal to acquire 18.53 acres. Residents association members, political leaders and public representatives will participate in the protest.

"We don't know for whom the collector is speaking, but we are sure that there are hidden intentions behind this," said K Sreekumar, Chackai ward councillor and health standing committee chairman of city corporation. The action council members said that they disrupted the revenue officials on Thursday as they turned up without following the mandatory proceedings required to acquire land.
The action council members said there is vested interest behind the move to acquire land. "The two previous governments - led by V S Achutanandan and Oommen Chandy - backtracked from the move understanding local protest. "Now, some have purposefully mislead the new government to acquire land," they said. They alleged that some prominent persons in the commercial and industrial sector were behind the move to acquire land with the support of bureaucrats.
13/08/16 Times of India
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