Friday, February 01, 2019

Baby in ICU, anxious dad at mercy of airline

It was a nightmarish evening for Delhi-based businessman Manoj Rastogi as he paced around at the
Ahmedabad airport on Thursday evening.
His toddler son was admitted in the Intensive Care Unit at a hospital in Delhi and he was anxious to return to him. Unfortunately for him, his return flight to Delhi on Thursday night was cancelled and airline allegedly refused to make an alternate arrangement for him.
The GoAir flight to Delhi was scheduled to take off from Ahmedabad at 10.20 pm with about 150 passengers on board. According to passengers, at almost 8 pm, the airline informed them about the cancellation of the flight without giving any reason for it.
“Flight G8 714 from Ahmedabad to Delhi was cancelled owing to the inclement weather at Srinagar. The cascading effect of this affected further rotations from Srinagar and in turn the overall schedule. Passengers are being accommodated on an alternate aircraft and are offered full refund,” said an official statement from GoAir.
The passengers, who had already arrived at the airport, created a ruckus demanding alternate arrangements.
The airline reportedly offered to refund the tickets or book them on the next available flight. However, the passengers claimed that the refund would not be enough for a new was no arrangement for accommodation if they agreed to take the next flight a day or two later. This would mean they would have to pay from their own pocket to stay back at a hotel.
01/02/19 Alok Brahmbhatt/Ahmedabad Mirror
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