Monday, May 27, 2019

Air India pilot censured for harassing flight attendant

Mumbai: Air India chairman and managing director Ashwani Lohani censured a senior pilot who repeatedly insulted a flight attendant who had recently undergone chemotherapy.
The pilot had allegedly made demeaning remarks about her appearance, especially her lack of hair. He harassed the cabin crew member after she was medically cleared and had rejoined duty.
"Her hair was yet to grow back to its original shape and volume. She had chosen not to wear a wig,'' said an AI source.
The flight attendant filed a case against the training captain with the regional director on January 6. A top AI official said, "She gave 3-4 instances of flights when the pilot asked her to wear a wig. He was rude to her, used demeaning words. The matter was referred to an internal complaints committee."
Last week, the pilot and flight attendant were called by the AI chairman to his office. An AI spokesperson said the CMD counselled both parties and censured the pilot for making those remarks.
27/05/19 Times of India
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