Monday, May 27, 2019

Jewar airport plan likely to get govt nod next month

Greater Noida: With the Lok Sabha elections over, the nod from the state government on the Jewar concessionaire bid document is likely to come by next month. Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority (YEIDA) sources said the government is likely to give its approval following a recommendation from the project monitoring and implementation committee. After the nod, the process of issuing global tenders for the construction of the airport will begin.
The bid document received the final approval from the Union ministry of civil aviation in February this year. Expected to be ready by 2023, the Jewar airport aims to take load off Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International airport. “We will initiate global tendering for the airport project once the state government approves the bid document,” said YEIDA chief Arun Vir Singh.
Singh maintained that the bid document was “finalised as per Government of India in February 2019”. He added, “All media speculations regarding number of domestic/international terminals as well as number of footfall per year at the proposed airport is totally wrong as it can’t be determined as of today.”
YEIDA is waiting for the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation’s (DMRC) revised plans for the Airport Express line as well as the commercial connectivity line to Jewar. “We had our second meeting with DMRC on May 10, in which we have asked for a new chapter on a separate dedicated airport line for Jewar, which should run parallel to the current proposed 35.64-km commercial line by DMRC. The DMRC had sought time to come back on the proposal,” Singh said.
27/05/19 Meenakshi Sinha/Times of India
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