Kolkata: The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has approved distance learning for regulatory recurrent training for pilots, cabin crew, dispatchers and engineers.
This new regulation permits Indian carriers to conduct all regulatory recurrent training covered in the respective DGCA circulars through distance learning remotely once in a period of two years provided the crew has undergone previous recurrent training through contact classes.
Commenting on the new training modules and medium, Capt. Arun Nair, Chief Pilot Training and standards, AirAsia India, said, “With this milestone approval, AirAsia India would be starting the Annual Recurrent Trainings for Pilots through Virtual Classrooms, starting this week. While there is a restriction on travel and movement, that hasn’t stopped us from continuing our learning & development process.
12/05/20 UNI
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This new regulation permits Indian carriers to conduct all regulatory recurrent training covered in the respective DGCA circulars through distance learning remotely once in a period of two years provided the crew has undergone previous recurrent training through contact classes.
Commenting on the new training modules and medium, Capt. Arun Nair, Chief Pilot Training and standards, AirAsia India, said, “With this milestone approval, AirAsia India would be starting the Annual Recurrent Trainings for Pilots through Virtual Classrooms, starting this week. While there is a restriction on travel and movement, that hasn’t stopped us from continuing our learning & development process.
12/05/20 UNI
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