Sunday, September 03, 2023

Go First, Jet Airways lose airline codes

The troubles for grounded airlines Go First and Jet Airways keep continue to mount as both have lost their airline codes for being non operational. The two letter designator codes G8 and 9W codes, assigned by International Air Transport Association (IATA) a global trade association of world’s airlines, stands withdrawn for both airlines.  

“One of the requirements for a company to be eligible for an IATA two letter designator is that the airline needs to be operating,” said the head of communications at IATA.

“As Go First ceased to operate commercial flights in early May 2023, it is currently not eligible for the IATA two letter designator. The same applies to the 9W designator as well,” he further added.

The withdrawal of the airline code could potentially disrupt ticketing, reservations and baggage handling operations of these airlines. Besides logos and taglines, these codes also become an identity for airlines. Losing them up means losing the uniqueness.

In addition, companies assigned an IATA airline designator code use them for reservations, schedules, timetables, telecommunications, ticketing, cargo documentation, legal, tariffs and/or other commercial/traffic purposes.

The designator and numeric codes remain blocked for 12 months, during which the airline can ask for the reinstatement of the designator if the requirements are met. Go First did not responded to queries at the time of going print but a Jalan-Kalrock spokesperson said, “The 9W code is held by Jet Airways and is currently under preservation with IATA as it is to be used only for commercial operations. It will be de-preserved upon recommencement of operations.”

03/09/2023 Swaraj Baggonkar/Financial Express

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