In a heartwarming moment, an IndiGo pilot named Vimal Sasidharan surprised his mother during a flight. The emotional clip was shared by Sasidharan on his Instagram account, where the video quickly went viral.
The clip begins with Sasidharan's mother boarding the flight like any other passenger. Little did she know that her son was the one in command of the aircraft that day. As she entered the aircraft, the flight attendants greeted her with warm smiles, and it was evident that she had no inkling of the surprise waiting for her.
However, the surprise unfolded as Sasidharan suddenly appeared in the aisle, calling out to his mother. Her reaction was priceless - a mixture of disbelief and overwhelming joy. She rushed towards her son, embracing him tightly, their laughter filling the cabin.
Sasidharan's Instagram post was accompanied by a caption that read, "Caught her by surprise inflight! The tears in her eyes said it all. Moments like these make life extraordinary."
This joyful video has gone viral with over 1.3 million views and many reactions. People commented on how pure the happiness was on the mother’s face.
10/10/2023 Srimoyee Chowdhury/India Today
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