Tuesday, May 14, 2013

AAI to wall 2.5 acres near Arattu gate at Thiruvananathapuram airport

Thiruvananathapuram: The Airports Authority of India (AAI) has decided to construct a wall around 2.5 acres of land belonging to them in the south-eastern side of the Trivandrum International Airport, near the Arattu gate.
The vacant plot is currently being used to park trucks belonging to a private cement company and as a playground by the children in the neighbourhood.
The land, handed over to the AAI by the state government almost 20 years ago, is part of the 628 acres which forms the total area of the Trivandrum International Airport. In 2008-09, the AAI had built a new operational wall, but failed to wall the area owing to local protests.
14/05/13 Sangeetha Nair/Times of India
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