Wednesday, March 16, 2016

MH370: debris found on Reunion 'unlikely' to be from missing plane

A piece of debris recently found on an Indian Ocean island where a wing fragment from Malaysia Airlines flight 370 had previously washed ashore is unlikely to be from the missing plane, Australian officials have said.
The piece in question was discovered earlier this month on French-governed RĂ©union Island by Johnny Begue, the same man who found a wing fragment on RĂ©union last year that investigators confirmed was part of the vanished jet.
French authorities examining Begue’s most recent find told the Australian agency directing the search for the plane off Australia’s west coast that it is unlikely to be from flight 370, according to Dan O’Malley, spokesman for the Australian Transport Safety Bureau.

Begue previously said that he found the latest piece of debris in nearly the same spot as the wing fragment, which is known as a flaperon.

The flaperon remains the only confirmed debris from the Malaysian plane, which disappeared during a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on 8 March, 2014 with 239 people on board. Two other pieces of debris recently discovered in Mozambique will be sent to Australia for examination by an international investigation team.
16/03/16 AP/The Guardian
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