Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Police tell RGIA to step up surveillance

Hyderabad: With regular terror alerts and recent theft cases, Telangana police have asked the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport (RGIA) to improve closed circuit television (CCTV) network on its premises, especially cityside, as they found several `blind spots' on the sprawling facility.
The CCTV issue cropped up during a recent security coordination meeting among various stake-holders, including Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Cyberabad police, Intelligence, GMR International Airport and others.
According to Cyberabad police, most CCTVs on the cityside of the airport did not have night vision and some electronic eyes lacked clarity even during daytime. This glaring lacunae came to light recently during police investigation in a theft case reported in September. A woman passenger, who arrived in the city by an international flight, forgot her hand bag in the airport parking lot and loaded her other luggage in her car. When she returned a little later, she found her bag intact, but Rs 15 lakh worth valuables were missing from the bag. Police were yet to crack the case. When contacted, assistant commissioner of police (Shamshabad) B Anuradha confirmed that they asked GMR, which operates the RGI Airport to increase the number of CCTVs on the premises. "There are some blind spots on the airport premises. There is a need to increase the number of CCTVs at the parking lot and other areas. GMR authorities said they will fix 500 CCTVs, but we wanted 50 to be put in place on priority , for which they agreed," Anuradha added.
05/10/16 Srinath Vudali/Times of India

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